About Us

About Us

Taurlube is a manufacturer of performance driven lubricants for use in Automotive & Industrial applications. Made from the finest base oils and select raw materials, coupled with extensive research and development, Taurlube offers best in class lubricants for the Automotive & Industrial segments.

Our Industrial segment products have application in a vast spectrum of industries ranging from Steel, Sugar, Cement, Metal Working, Mining, Construction Machinery & other heavy industries.

Incorporated in 2009, with a 30 years strong technical background in Speciality Chemicals, Taurlube began with the formulation & manufacturing of Metal Working Fluids for the Metal Cutting industry. Over the years, Taurlube has diversified into Rust Preventive products, Industrial Component Cleaning Solutions and Greases in the industrial segment and a host of products in the Automotive segment.

Taurlube is comprised of an innovative R & D department, efficient manufacturing team, and an energetic Sales & Admin force, all dedicated to deliver excellent products and services to its customers.


Taurlube strives to become a highly profitable multi sector – multi product corporation that delivers excellent products and services to its customers, and remains the preferred supplier, customer & employer for all.


    Taurlube boasts of an infrastructure that encompasses research, production & testing capabilities for a broad spectrum of products and solutions, all under one roof.


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